hey there!
i'm frederike - interior architecture and design student from germany
I’m passionate about creating impactful atmospheres and emphasising the soul of a space. I believe in the profound effects of subtle details and the fusion of aesthetic and functional design, leading to inspiring room experiences and creating uniqueness in every place.
hey there!
i'm frederike - interior architecture and design student from germany
I’m passionate about creating impactful atmospheres and emphasising the soul of a space. I believe in the profound effects of subtle details and the fusion of aesthetic and functional design, leading to inspiring room experiences and creating uniqueness in every place.
let's connect
Frederike Peters I frederike.peters@t-online.de I › LinkedIn
© and design by Frederike Peters 2022 I website made with › Laytheme I contact I legal notice
let's connect
Frederike Peters
› LinkedIn
© and design by Frederike Peters 2022 I website made with › Laytheme